To allow optimisation of the flow of NanoSIMS measurements at our facility, we ask users to follow these generic steps.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the data processing and analysis software before your scheduled measurement time. After all, unless you explicitly want us to do the complete analysis for you, it will be you who will need to analyze all the data.
To learn about the software, schedule a day or two for a crash-course, or sign up to workshops that will be scheduled in regular intervals once a critical mass of users has been established.
The logic behind this recommendation is simple but powerful: doing preliminary analysis of the generated data “on-the-fly” will not only give you peace of mind that everything is working as you hoped for, but will also enable better decision-making about the measurement priorities! By looking at your samples with the unprecedented detail offered by NanoSIMS, you will very likely discover something completely unexpected. In such a situation, being able to improvise based on a last-minute information is often as important as being systematic.