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22. Sofia Spataro, Bohumil Maco, Stephane Escrig, Louise Jensen, Lubos Polerecky, Graham Knott, Anders Meibom, Bernard Schneider. Stable isotope labeling and ultra-high-resolution NanoSIMS imaging reveal alpha-synuclein-induced changes in neuronal metabolism in vivo. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. doi: 10.1186/s40478-023-01608-8

21. Annika Vaksmaa, Lubos Polerecky, Nina Dombrowski, Michiel V. M. Kienhuis, Ilsa Posthuma, Jan Gerritse, Teun Boekhout, and Helge Niemann. Polyethylene degradation and assimilation by the marine yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. ISME Communications. doi: 10.1038/s43705-023-00267-z


20. Rob J. M. van Spanning, Qingtian Guan, Chrats Melkonian, James Gallant, Lubos Polerecky, Jean-François Flot, Bernd W. Brandt, Martin Braster, Paul Iturbe Espinoza, Joost W.Aerts, Marion M. Meima-Franke, Sander R. Piersma, Catalin M. Bunduc, Roy Ummels, Arnab Pain, Emily J. Fleming, Nicole N. van der Wel, Vasile D. Gherman, Serban M. Sarbu, Paul L. E. Bodelier, and Wilbert Bitter. Methanotrophy by a Mycobacterium species that dominates a cave microbial ecosystem. Nature Microbiology. doi: 10.1038/s41564-022-01252-3

19. S.P. Akse, L. Polerecky, M.V.M. Kienhuis, J.J. Middelburg. The influence of sediment diagenesis and aluminium on oxygen isotope exchange of diatom frustules. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2022.07.015

18. E. Geerken, L. de Nooijer, T. Toyofuku, A. Roepert, J.J. Middelburg, M.V.M. Kienhuis, Y. Nagai, L. Polerecky, G.-J. Reichart. High precipitation rates characterize biomineralization in the benthic foraminifer Ammonia beccarii. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.11.026

17. Nicole MJ Geerlings, Michiel VM Kienhuis, Silvia Hidalgo-Martinez, Renee Hageman, Diana Vasquez-Cardenas, Jack J Middelburg, Filip JR Meysman, Lubos Polerecky. Polyphosphate Dynamics in Cable Bacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.883807


16. Henricus TS Boschker, Perran LM Cook, Lubos Polerecky, Raghavendran Thiruvallur Eachambadi, Helena Lozano, Silvia Hidalgo-Martinez, Dmitry Khalenkow, Valentina Spampinato, Nathalie Claes, Paromita Kundu, Da Wang, Sara Bals, Karina K Sand, Francesca Cavezza, Tom Hauffman, Jesper Tataru Bjerg, Andre G Skirtach, Kamila Kochan, Merrilyn McKee, Bayden Wood, Diana Bedolla, Alessandra Gianoncelli, Nicole MJ Geerlings, Nani Van Gerven, Han Remaut, Jeanine S Geelhoed, Ruben Millan-Solsona, Laura Fumagalli, Lars Peter Nielsen, Alexis Franquet, Jean V Manca, Gabriel Gomila, Filip JR Meysman. Efficient long-range conduction in cable bacteria through nickel protein wires. Nature communications. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-24312-4

15. Sigrid van Grinsven, Jaap S Sinninghe Damste, John Harrison, Lubos Polerecky, Laura Villanueva. Nitrate promotes the transfer of methane‐derived carbon from the methanotroph Methylobacter sp. to the methylotroph Methylotenera sp. in eutrophic lake water. Limnology and oceanography. doi: 10.1002/lno.11648

14. Lubos Polerecky, Takako Masuda, Meri Eichner, Sophie Rabouille, Marie Vancová, Michiel VM Kienhuis, Gabor Bernát, Jose Bonomi-Barufi, Douglas Andrew Campbell, Pascal Claquin, Jan Cervený, Mario Giordano, Eva Kotabová, Jacco Kromkamp, Ana Teresa Lombardi, Martin Lukeš, Ondrej Prášil, Susanne Stephan, David Suggett, Tomas Zavřel, Kimberly H Halsey. Temporal patterns and intra- and inter-cellular variability in carbon and nitrogen assimilation by the unicellular cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.620915

13. Shaun P Akse, Gobind Das, Susana Agustí, Laetitia Pichevin, Lubos Polerecky, Jack J Middelburg. Imaging of organic signals in individual fossil diatom frustules with nanoSIMS and Raman spectroscopy. Marine Chemistry. doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2020.103906

12. Lubos Polerecky, Meri Eichner, Takako Masuda, Tomáš Zavřel, Sophie Rabouille, Douglas A Campbell, Kimberly Halsey. Calculation and interpretation of substrate assimilation rates in microbial cells based on isotopic composition data obtained by nanoSIMS. Frontiers in microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.621634

11. Nicole MJ Geerlings, Jeanine S Geelhoed, Diana Vasquez-Cardenas, Michiel VM Kienhuis, Silvia Hidalgo-Martinez, Henricus TS Boschker, Jack J Middelburg, Filip JR Meysman, Lubos Polerecky. Cell cycle, filament growth and synchronized cell division in multicellular cable bacteria. Frontiers in microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.620807


10. Anne Roepert, Lubos Polerecky, Esmee Geerken, Gert-Jan Reichart, Jack J Middelburg. Distribution of chlorine and fluorine in benthic foraminifera. Biogeosciences. doi: 10.5194/bg-17-4727-2020

9. Shaun P Akse, Jack J Middelburg, Helen E King, Lubos Polerecky. Rapid post-mortem oxygen isotope exchange in biogenic silica. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2020.06.007

8. Björn De Samber, Riet De Rycke, Michiel De Bruyne, Michiel Kienhuis, Linda Sandblad, Sylvain Bohic, Peter Cloetens, Constantin Urban, Lubos Polerecky, Laszlo Vincze. Effect of sample preparation techniques upon single cell chemical imaging: A practical comparison between synchrotron radiation based X-ray fluorescence (SR-XRF) and Nanoscopic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (nano-SIMS). Analytica Chimica Acta. doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2020.01.054

7. Nicole MJ Geerlings, Cheryl Karman, Stanislav Trashin, Karel S As, Michiel VM Kienhuis, Silvia Hidalgo-Martinez, Diana Vasquez-Cardenas, Henricus TS Boschker, Karolien De Wael, Jack J Middelburg, Lubos Polerecky, Filip JR Meysman. Division of labor and growth during electrical cooperation in multicellular cable bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1916244117


6. Serginio RC Remmelzwaal, Aleksey Yu Sadekov, Ian J Parkinson, Daniela N Schmidt, Danna Titelboim, Sigal Abramovich, Anne Roepert, Michiel Kienhuis, Lubos Polerecky, Heather Goring-Harford, Katsunori Kimoto, Katherine A Allen, Kate Holland, Joseph A Stewart, Jack J Middelburg. Post-depositional overprinting of chromium in foraminifera. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.03.001

5. E Geerken, LJ De Nooijer, A Roepert, L Polerecky, HE King, GJ Reichart. Element banding and organic linings within chamber walls of two benthic foraminifera. Scientific reports. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40298-y


4. Kevin J Carpenter, Maitrayee Bose, Lubos Polerecky, Alle AY Lie, Karla B Heidelberg, David A Caron. Single-Cell View of Carbon and Nitrogen Acquisition in the Mixotrophic Alga Prymnesium parvum (Haptophyta) Inferred From Stable Isotope Tracers and NanoSIMS. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00157


3. Wangpraseurt D, Pernice M, Guagliardo P, Kilburn MR, Clode PL, Polerecky L, Kühl M. Light microenvironment and single-cell gradients of carbon fixation in tissues of symbiont-bearing corals. ISME Journal. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2015.133

2. Fatimah Sulu-Gambari, Dorina Seitaj, Filip J. R. Meysman, Regina Schauer, Lubos Polerecky, and Caroline P. Slomp. Cable Bacteria Control Iron-Phosphorus Dynamics in Sediments of a Coastal Hypoxic Basin. Environ. Sci. Technol. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04369


1. Vasquez-Cardenas D, van de Vossenberg J, Polerecky L, Malkin SY, Schauer R, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Confurius V, Middelburg JJ, Meysman FJ, Boschker HT. Microbial carbon metabolism associated with electrogenic sulphur oxidation in coastal sediments. ISME Journal. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2015.10

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